Simple 360-Mexico
Don't repeat my mistakes!
Puffiness of the face, bags under the eyes, red spots and peeling of the skin... That's what I got when I added vitamin A bought in a pharmacy to my face cream, following a recipe posted by a blogger.

That cream should have fought wrinkles and made my skin tighter, but instead, I cried for two days, looking at the consequences of using that "lifesaver" in the mirror.

Proven natural compresses, lotions and masks helped me for a while. The irritation disappeared, but the wrinkles did not. I would dare say the opposite happened. I put all my skincare products on the shelf because I was afraid of experiencing that nightmare again.

One day, I had to stay at my sister's house because she was going on vacation and asked me to take care of her nephews. The first day, I got so tired that I fell asleep in the living room in front of the TV. When I got up, I saw her nephews sleeping next to me and a packaging with some product on the floor. The children played doctors and applied this remedy to me. Horrified, I approached the mirror, expecting to see horrible spots under my eyes and peeling skin.
Nothing at all! My face looked much fresher and more relaxed.

It was the Wow effect I had been looking for for so long. On the label it indicated that it was called Simple 360 and that it had bamboo leaf extract and natural antioxidants. I know that bamboo not only contains vitamin A, but many other vitamins and beneficial acids that rejuvenate better than beauty injections.
I searched the Internet and found a link to a detailed description of the formula and the effect produced by the serum.
It is recommended to use it to combat wrinkles. Moisturizes the skin of the face and evens its tone, eliminates pigmentation, fights blemishes and helps eliminate puffiness. They say it doesn't cause allergies.
While I was at my sister's house, I continued using Simple 360.

A week later, the crow's feet were almost gone, the nasolabial folds were reduced. Even the deep wrinkles on the forehead became less noticeable.

When I returned home, I ordered Simpla 360. I ordered it on this website. I bought one container and got one free thanks to a special offer. This is how I paid my sister :)
Overall the product is good. Better than the dubious experimental ideas on the Internet.
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