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Metabolic syndrome: Why do we gain weight?
You gained a lot of weight and you can't seem to lose it. You want to eat all the time, diets don't help, sports make your muscles grow, but the fat doesn't go anywhere... You may have metabolic syndrome, that is, a decrease in insulin sensitivity. Our expert nutritionist Maria Rojas will tell you what this syndrome is and how to get rid of it and regain your normal weight.

In simple terms, metabolic syndrome is a condition where you get fat and you can't stop it. Scientifically, it is a syndrome in which the body loses sensitivity to insulin - the main hormone responsible for the metabolism of fats (lipids). So much insulin is produced that the body is unable to burn stored fat.
Diets, medication, and exercise only slow this process temporarily. Once you've relaxed a little and eaten one too many desserts, the weight gains even faster.
According to recent data, one in 4 men and one in 3 women who are more than 15 kg overweight suffer from metabolic syndrome.

Why does it arise?
We used to blame our obesity on an unhealthy diet and a sedentary lifestyle. But metabolic syndrome has other causes. There are inflammations and colds not treated correctly, genetic disorders, stress, etc. Therefore, no one is immune to metabolic syndrome. Even young girls who "eat everything and don't get fat."
You can tell if you have metabolic syndrome by looking at these signs:
You are often hungry
You don't need a plate to fill you up, you need a pot of greasy, high-calorie food.
You can't go a day without eating sweets
Waist circumference is greater than 80cm
Fat is deposited mainly in the abdomen
You have dry skin, especially on your hands, neck, knees and elbows
You have trouble falling asleep at night, and you want to sleep all the time during the day
Diets are powerless against metabolic syndrome!
This is glucose tolerance in a context of excess insulin. Whatever you eat, your body perceives it as a carbohydrate-free meal. Even if you have just swallowed a whole pizza, your body thinks it is an apple or a salad leaf and is not satisfied. The brain asks for more and more food and cannot calm down.
Now imagine how you would feel if you were on a diet. It is unlikely that you will last long and not start eating...

Previously, metabolic syndrome was treated with hormonal insulin inhibitors.
With these preparations, the patient gradually loses weight, but receives a blow to the liver and thyroid incomparable even with alcohol!
Some preparations are plagued by diabetes, hepatosis and cirrhosis. That is, having cured one ailment, the patient acquired another, even worse one.
Is there a safe exit?
Just a couple of years ago, scientists discovered insulin inhibitors in black pepper extract (Piper nigrum) and the Reishi mushroom.

When these 2 components interact, insulin drops along with your appetite. And when you are not hungry and your metabolism is normal, the fat on your waist and hips disappears before your eyes. And all this without harming your health!
The product was immediately launched on the market. The product is known in the market under the brand Magicoa . It comes as a sweet instant drink with a hot chocolate flavor. Sweet lovers will love it!

This is how its ingredients work:
Reishi mushroom extract. It reduces blood glucose and, as a result, makes the desire to eat sweets disappear; accelerates the breakdown of fats; improves liver functions; relieves insomnia; exerts an anti-aging effect; and firms the skin.
Cocoa powder. Accelerates metabolism and helps burn calories; increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin thanks to phenolic compounds that suppress appetite and reduce cravings. It stimulates the production of endorphin, "the happiness hormone", improving mood and reducing stress and, in turn, the intake of stressful foods.
Chicory inulin. It is a natural prebiotic that stimulates the growth of healthy bacteria, improves digestion, slows the absorption of carbohydrates, regulates thyroid function and improves mood.
Chromium Picolinate. Increases carbohydrate and fat metabolism, thus reducing fat deposits; reduces blood glucose, improves intracellular metabolism, promotes weight loss and improves the fat burning process; It stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which causes weight loss and makes the skin look firmer, more elastic and taut. Tightens skin after dieting.
Pepper extract. It has antioxidant properties, stimulates metabolic processes and strengthens the immune system. The active components of the herb stimulate blood flow and metabolism, and promote the breakdown of lipids. Red pepper prevents atherosclerosis and obesity.
Black pepper extract. Activates the secretion of enzymes, accelerates and normalizes metabolism and improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract; Apsaicin, contained in black pepper, increases blood flow to the skin, relieving cellulite and puffiness.
Maltodextrin. Strengthens muscle mass; increases the number of healthy germs; helps eliminate heavy metals and radionuclides from the body; It helps reduce bad cholesterol and prevents future weight gain.
After just 2-3 weeks of daily consumption of Magicoa, insulin levels return to normal, metabolism is restored and metabolic syndrome subsides. After a month, the weight will normalize , and other unpleasant symptoms disappear: sleep disorders, fatigue, shortness of breath, etc.
As soon as Magicoa went on sale, my clients with metabolic syndrome immediately appreciated it.
Luis, 27 years old
I took neuroleptics, insulin skyrocketed, I gained 40 kg in a year. I started going to the gym every day, but it was useless, my belly was growing like crazy. I wanted to eat all the time, I could barely stop myself from eating a couple of burgers in the middle of the night.
I realized I couldn't continue like this, so I went to a nutritionist. They recommended this powder to me
It should be drunk every day, 1 glass a day. Pour hot water and have it instead of coffee. I've been drinking for 3 months: 30 kg have disappeared! I will continue until I reach 75 kg.
Sara, 55 years old
The climax passed, but the problems did not end. My waist and shoulders started to swell.
I actively lost weight, nothing helped me more than Magicoa , the insulin regulating drink. In one month, I lost 20 kg, 15 cm around my waist, like never before!
The nutritionist said that it is necessary to wait 2 weeks and resume the course again. And then I will weigh 60-65 kg again.
Luisa, 64 years old
My weight increased due to my health problems (hypertension, metabolic problems, insulin spikes). In January he weighed 107 kg with a height of 160 cm.
Now I am losing weight with Magicoa . This is a very delicious chocolate drink with Reishi mushroom extract. It is compatible with my medication. And most importantly, you get results. I'm thinner than when I was young! 35 kg are already gone!
And most importantly: Magicoa doesn't cost more than your business lunch. Reishi mushroom extract and cocoa powder are available ingredients.
But Magicoa is only sold online. It can only be purchased from the manufacturer's website.
By the way, I have a gift for subscribers: 50% discount on Magicoa order from this website. If you have been trying to lose weight for a long time without success and suspect that you suffer from metabolic syndrome, now you have the opportunity to recover your figure and your health.
Hurry up!
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